Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Wisdom of the Tao

Wayne Dyer and Oprah Winfrey - The Wisdom of the Tao (Full)

I am new to learning the messages from The Tao. I read a little from it every day basically to find peace in my heart and rediscover joy. I am very depressed and lost. I have lost most of my lovely companions and feel stranded and alone. I still have my birds Phoebe, a macaw, and Dorian, an African Gray. I am learning how very much they love me. And I am so grateful for their love.

But I realize I am never alone and life is a journey and I welcome all of it. It's hard and strange and to know where I fit now. So I am constantly looking on the internet for help. This message is wonderful and I am sure that I will listen to it over and over.

This is a wonderful video and I wanted to make sure I shared it.

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