Monday, January 11, 2010

How to Make an Angel Box

By Susan Gregg

Susan Gregg is the author of eight books including "The Encyclopedia of Angels, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters" and the blogger of "Angels on Your Shoulder."

When I first began my spiritual journey, a friend suggested I create an angel box. At first, I used a manila envelope. I wrote "Angel Business" on the front and put it in my closet. Whenever I was afraid or worried about something, I would write a short description of the problem and put it in the envelope, trusting the angels to take care of it.

The envelope worked and magic started occurring, but eventually I took the time to make an angel box.  The intent for the box is to let go of your cares and place them in the care of angels. Follow these simple steps to create an amazing angel box.

 Choose a Box You Like

Find a box with a cover.  The box can be any size or shape you like.  I went to a discount store and found a neat gift box, but a shoe box will do. On the cover of the box, write "Angel Box."

Then, write a simple prayer inside the cover.  You can use one of your own prayers or the prayer I wrote below,changing the words to feel like yours,

 I place this issue in your capable hands. I know you have a far more expansive and loving vision for my life than I do. I humbly ask for your help and the willingness to totally release all of my cares and concerns about this issue. I ask for the willingness, courage, and strength to take all the necessary actions. May my heart and my mind be open to your loving guidance.I give thanks in advance for the miracles I know will occur.

Next Decorate with Beautiful Pictures

Gather pictures and stickers of angels or any images that fill you with hope and peace of mind. I like pictures of clouds with rays emanating from them.

Decorate each side of the box (including the cover and the inside of the box if you like) with the pictures and stickers.  Leave enough writing space on the sides and the bottom for the next step.

Write Inspirational Words

Get some colored gel pens, colored pencils, markers, crayons, or whatever artistic medium you want to use.  Choosing a pen, pencil, or marker, write angel quotes, affirmations, or words of love and gratitude where you want on the box. 

On the bottom of the box, write: I give thanks for all your love, help, and guidance. May I always be open so the highest and the best can occur for all involved. 

Finally, line the inside of your box with fabric.  I used an old silk scarf, but you can use tissue paper or another favorite piece of fabric.

Write Down Your Concerns

Now, write your concerns on one piece of paper or write them on separate slips of paper.  Lovingly place the paper(s) with your concerns in the box. Once you put concerns in the box, leave them there mentally and emotionally.

Read the prayer on the inside of the box cover.  If you begin to worry, remind yourself that the concerns are in the loving hands of the divine.

Find a Special Storage Place

This box is symbolic of releasing your cares and worries to the divine guidance of God and the angels.
Put the angel box someplace special, where you will see it often. I also put several angel figurines around mine.

Say Another Prayer

Sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, and say another prayer, asking for guidance and assistance.
Spend a few minutes giving thanks for all that you do have, for the loving presence of the angels in your life, and ask for the willingness to hear the guidance of your spirit.

Clear Out and Refresh Your Box

Periodically, clean out your angel box. Make it a ceremony of celebration, joy, and release.
You can burn the pieces of paper and watch them turn into light.


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